• The third episode of the final season of “Game of Thrones” was all about The Battle of Winterfell.
  • Fans got emotional about the characters we lost.
  • They still found a way to make some funny memes.
  • This post contains spoilers.
  • Visit INSIDER’s homepage for more stories.

Fans had very high expectations for the third episode of season eight of “Game of Thrones,” which aired Sunday, and luckily for them, The Battle of Winterfell was packed with intense moments, devastating setbacks, heartbreak, and triumph.

While the entire episode was more than worthy of the internet’s attention, it was the shocking ending that really had everyone freaking out. Arya Stark proved that she really is one of the most powerful people in Westeros, and despite staring off into the distance most of the time, Bran Stark played his own part as well.

The internet reacted to the twist with the appropriate memes and jokes that will make you want to rewatch the episode all over again. Check out some of the best moments of the episode in meme form, but beware: major spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn’t watched it yet.

This was everyone watching the entire episode:


Especially in the anxiety-packed moments in the very beginning

Of course, viewers felt better when Arya had her moment of glory

By the end of the episode, this was basically how everyone was feeling about Arya:



Viewers can only imagine what her homecoming is going to be like, but it will probably be something like this:


As for Bran, he was just being Bran ... or whoever he is now


Viewers imagined what the siblings did when it was all said and done, and it probably went something like this:

Aside from that, there were plenty of moments that made everyone tear up



Samwell Tarly was terrified all night, and everyone could relate

Even The Hound could barely handle the intensity

Especially when it seemed like the Night King was going to prevail after his dragon 'attack'



Jon Snow was not immune to the fear either


Well, when people could see what was happening. A lot of viewers complained about how dark most of the episode was


Still, even when you couldn't see, you could only imagine what Cersei was doing over in King's Landing



And this is definitely what we can all expect in the next episode:
